
Modavinil 200 MG



Modavinil Kaufen 200 mg von Centurion Laboratories ist ein neues hochwertiges generisches Modafinil-Medikament. Sein Wirkstoff, Modafinil, hilft bei der Behandlung von übermäßiger Tagesmüdigkeit bei Patienten mit Schlafmangel und verbessert die kognitiven Funktionen bei gesunden Menschen. Diese wirksame “intelligente Droge” ist jetzt bei fast jedem Anbieter erhältlich. Wenn Sie jedoch echte Pillen und gleichzeitig die besten Angebote, Rabatte und garantierten weltweiten Versand erhalten möchten, können Sie sich auf unsere Online-Apotheke verlassen!

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What is Modavinil 200 mg?

Centurion Laboratories, a reputed and trusted pharmaceutical company from India, has launched a new brand of generic modafinil called Modavinil.

The main ingredient, modafinil, is a common eugerotic drug used to treat various sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), and narcolepsy.

In general, it helps sleep-deprived individuals stay awake and alert.

Off-label, doctors can give this tablet to patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), jet lag, depression, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases. Modavinil is also used by healthy people from all walks of life to improve their brain power and productivity improve.

Although almost anyone can take this medication, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting therapy.

How tablets work

How Modafinil works is shrouded in mystery. The experts are at a loss as to how it works. What is known, however, is that it binds to the dopamine transporter and prevents the reuptake of dopamine, thereby increasing dopamine levels.

This neurotransmitter makes users feel good and stay awake and alert. Dopamine is believed to be involved in human sleep-wake cycles, motivation and ability to concentrate.

The drug also alters histamine levels in the brain, which promotes alertness during the day. Other neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and orexin are also regulated by the drug.

Safe dosage

Modavinil is used in a variety of ways and has a range of effects including increased concentration, improved sleep patterns, increased energy and increased productivity. The dosage of this medication is determined by the user’s medical condition and response to treatment. However, as a general recommendation, 200 mg should be taken once daily. New users can start with 100 mg by cutting the tablet in half. Modavinil has a maximum daily dose of 400 mg.

If the patient is narcoleptic or suffers from OSA, the tablet should be taken first thing in the morning. When treating shortness of breath, it should be taken one hour before the start of the work shift. The pill is recommended to be taken orally with a glass of water and can be taken with or without food. This is completely subjective.

It is extremely important to consult a doctor before taking modavinil to make sure it is safe for you. The effects usually begin about an hour after ingestion. Since the half-life of modavinil is more than 13 hours, it is best to take the medication early in the day.

Because modavinil can cause dehydration, it is important to drink plenty of water while the medication is working to avoid headaches. Modavinil can act as a diuretic, speeding up the body’s excretion of water. This highlights the importance of rehydration to replenish lost water.

possible side effects

Moderate to severe side effects may occur when using Modavinil 200 mg. However, they do not occur with every user. If small side effects occur, they resolve quickly as the body responds to the medicine. The following are the most common side effects:

  1. dry mouth;
  2. nausea;
  3. Headache;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. difficulty sleeping;
  6. Feeling dizzy.

Occasionally, certain users of “smart drugs” may experience serious adverse reactions such as the following:

  1. hallucinations;
  2. hyperactivity;
  3. Depression;
  4. Tremble;
  5. Suicidal thoughts.

This list is incomplete. If such symptoms, including allergic reactions such as severe rashes and blisters, are observed, seek medical attention immediately. Before starting to take this pill, it is recommended to consult a doctor to conduct a health analysis and decide whether Modavinil is beneficial for you.

This medication is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, but each user may react differently to it. Some undesirable effects may be more noticeable at higher doses.

Contraindications and precautions

It is worth noting that modavinil can have negative interactions with other medications. When administered simultaneously, this “smart drug” can interact with up to 425 medications. Such interactions may weaken the effect of one or more medications when taken together or even increase the risk of adverse effects.

Modavinil, as a modafinil-based medication, may interact with the following classes of medications:

  1. antibiotics such as erythromycin;
  2. antifungals such as ketoconazole;
  3. anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine;
  4. bestimmte Arten von Antidepressiva wie Clomipramin und Desipramin;
  5. Antibabypillen;
  6. antivirale Mittel wie Ritonavir.

Obwohl die Pille mit den bekannten 425 Medikamenten Wechselwirkungen aufweist, sind nur wenige Wechselwirkungen von Bedeutung. Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt über alle Medikamente, die Sie möglicherweise einnehmen, bevor Sie das Medikament schlucken.

Außerdem interagiert Modavinil mit Alkohol in einer Art und Weise, die das Risiko schädlicher Folgen erhöhen könnte. Obwohl es keine Wechselwirkungen mit den meisten Nahrungsmitteln hat, kann die Einnahme kurz vor oder nach dem Verzehr von fettigen Mahlzeiten den Beginn der Wirkung verzögern.

Schwangere Frauen und Personen mit einer Vorgeschichte von Herzinfarkt, Brustbeschwerden, Bluthochdruck, unregelmäßigem Herzschlag, Nieren- oder Lebererkrankungen, Missbrauch von Stimulanzien oder illegalen Drogen und psychischen Erkrankungen sollten die Einnahme von Modavinil vermeiden.


Obwohl Modavinil relativ neu in der “Smart Drug”-Arena ist, hat es die Herzen vieler Verbraucher aufgrund seiner Sicherheit, Wirksamkeit und der schieren Menge an erstaunlichen Vorteilen, die es bietet, gewonnen. Hier sind einige der Vorteile, die sowohl von Kunden als auch von der Forschung bezeugt werden:

  1. verbesserte Wachsamkeit;
  2. gesteigerte Kognition;
  3. gesteigerte Produktivität;
  4. 12+ Stunden laserartige Konzentration.

Es ist nicht mehr neu, dass Modavinil 200 mg eine ganz neue Ebene der geistigen Schärfe, Wachsamkeit, Energie und Produktivität gibt, wenn es richtig eingenommen wird. Weil es zum Verkauf in unserer e-Apotheke zugänglich ist, kaufen Sie es, um mehr über seine Zuverlässigkeit und die Vorteile, die es liefert, herauszufinden. Stellen Sie immer sicher, dass Sie einen Arzt aufsuchen, um herauszufinden, ob dieses Medikament für Sie von Vorteil ist.

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10 Tabletten, 100 Tabletten, 20 Tabletten, 200 Tabletten, 30 Tabletten, 50 Tabletten